Cool & Delicious Raw Food Salad Recipes
These naturally cool, cleansing raw food salad recipes are perfect for any season. Ingredients should always be fresh, organically grown and, of course, eaten...
95 Scientific Reasons to Go Raw & Vegan!
We live in one of the most educated and knowledgeable societies in history, yet most of us can't even begin to understand the actual...
Juice Fasting for Health, Detox & Weight Loss
There are many reasons for fasting. In Western religions traditions, fasting has been used to purify the spirit or soul for thousands of years...
Toxic Soup: How the Chemistry of Cooking is Making You Sick
Raw food is what we ate for thousands of years before the invention of fire about 100,000 years ago. Once we discovered the amazing...
Conscious Disagreement — How to Disagree without Fighting!
Join me on the road less traveled & discover all that we have in common.
Constantly fighting, arguing and invaliding each other actually inhibits our...
Raw Guide for People Who Hate Vegetables
Why some people hate vegetables and what can they do about it.
In today’s fast-food society, it’s not uncommon for people to have an...
The Impact of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) on Your Health.
Reduce Your Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)
Radiation is the emission of energy from any source. It comes in many forms, ranging in frequency on...
Fresh, Raw Leafy Greens Protect Your Mind, Heart, Bones, Eyes &...
Fresh, raw leafy greens are one of the most important foods to eat on a daily basis! Whether you enjoy your greens juiced, in...
Where do you get your Protein? The Sad Truth about Soy...
The Sad Truth about Soy in America.
Many people have a false idea of the importance of protein in their diets even after becoming vegan....
Guide to Natural Kitchen Tools & Why You Need Them!
First, as a raw foodist I’m at least 75% raw and 95% organic. So I rarely need to cook or even use natural kitchen...