Interview with Robert Ross


The Science & Philosophy of Raw Food

Robert is the owner & creator of, the #1 website on Google for Raw Food. In his raw food interview at the 2009 Raw Spirit Festival in Santa Barbara, Robert talks about his raw food philosophy, the science behind raw food, the physiology of consciousness, raw compassion plus much more.

Remember, life thrives on living foods! On the other hand, dead food creates dead thinking, dead politics, dead economics and dead lifestyles. There are actual physiological processes which can become inhibited by the toxins in cooked food! Some of these toxins are in your brain creating emotional and spiritual blocks. As you clear these out you can become more sensitive, caring and happy — because that is your real nature. I believe that is what we are when not crippled by the disease causing toxins in cooked food.

These days many of us have forgotten what real food tastes like! We’ve forgotten how it feels like to be fully alive because we’ve sold out for the convenience of fast food and junk food. This is our new lifestyle, so changing that requires changing our lifestyle — and not with just a short trip to the juice bar. It means changing how you think, how you feel and how you really want to live the rest of your life. That can be a long process that requires a major commitment, lots of patience and, more than anything else, true compassion for yourself.

So the real impact of a raw food lifestyle is that it empowers more than just your health — it helps you discover greater awareness, understanding, sensitivity and compassion. Once you are thinking clearly you can be more responsible for the rest of your life. You can choose to be more alive without the sedating effect of those awful toxins. It’s not just a scientific fact that you can read about on, its also common sense for people that have all the facts. In my raw food interview you’ll get a powerful introduction to many of these ideas, explored in greater depth throughout this website.

See more of Robert’s Raw Food Videos

Play my audio interview with Chad Nellis for the Raw Food Master Summit

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