“Microclusters” Help Live Water Easily Penetrate Your Cell Walls


The Science of Microclusters

Given how important water is to life, there are Living Wateramazingly few actual studies on the nature of water and the science of microclusters. Many scientists are happy just to accept that water is just two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. More recently, concepts based on “quantum biology” are exposing more of the subtle characteristics of the ubiquitous water molecule. This makes sense since water is ultimately the basis for ALL life — so of course you’d expect water to have some quantum characteristics that mainstream scientists haven’t quite figured out – like microclusters!

The feature of water of particular interest to raw foodists, vegans or anyone interested in the highest quality water is called its cluster size!  For the easiest, maximum absorption of water into your cells, the smaller “micro” clusters of water (5-6 molecules) are far superior — easily penetrating cell membranes through channels called “aquaporins.” Larger clusters of water molecules, from a dozen molecules up to several dozen, are too large to pass through these tiny channels.

Most of the water we drink today is either pumped from springs, long since corrupted by commercial “water mining,”  or bottled in cheap plastic containers which damage its molecular structure and pollute it with toxic chemical plasticizers. Even even remote pristine springs are now commercialized and polluted, no longer producing the same quality they used to offer a couple of decades ago. Then the water is bottled or pumped though pipes for  hundreds of miles. It is nearly impossible now to find pristine water that you can drink at home, and if you do it will cost you more than most drinks you buy at the corner store. Today, even Aquafina, bottled by Pepsi, costs more than a can of Pepsi. its also more profitable! Yet it is nothing more than filtered tap water. Same for Coke’s Dasani.

See the article by Dr.Mercola on Bottled Water and Tap Water.

The Hunzas

Believe it or not, there are still five (5) locations left in the Hunza Womanworld where you can find natural water with extraordinary characteristics, including microclusters. This is also where  people there typically live to be over 100 years old in excellent health — with no cancer, no dental caries (cavities) and little or no illness. They still even have children well into their old age! These are Hunzaland in the Karkorum Mountains (north of Pakistan in the Himalayas), the Vilcambamba in Ecuador, a high mountain valley in Georgia, Russia, another in Mongolia and the final one in Peru. Though all these areas have different cultures and diets, they all have just one thing in common: their water has similar properties – especially the possibility of “microclusters!”

“Microclusters” in water are one of the least understood and most controversial subjects associated with alkaline mineral water, or ionized water. But there appears to be evidence using NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) technology that ionized water forms stable “microclusters,” which was once thought to be impossible … and still is today by many. You can’t “see” the structure of hexagonal water normally. However, when it is frozen, hexagonal (six-sided) crystals are formed (i.e., like a snowflake). In the pictures below you’ll see other comparison shots under a microscope of hexagonal water and ordinary tap water.

It’s important to note that “microclusters” aren’t literally physical “clusters” of water. A lots of folks marketing water io9nizsers love to “debunk” microclusters because they wrongly think that erms is literal. It’s not.

“Microclusters” is actually just a loose nickname that refers to an “electrostatic charge” that can loosely hold a group of water molecules together. Here are some good references:

The water that comes from your kitchen sink is normally “clustered” in loose groups containing 10-20 molecules or more. These groups form through a weak bond that breaks and reforms very easily and is what gives “microclustered” water many of its unique properties. The process of ionization changes the electrical properties in water (ORP) and theoretically restructures the groups or clusters into about half their original size, or 5-8 molecules. This  lets microclustered water penetrate the body’s cells more easily through aquaporins.


In 2003, Peter Agre of John Hopkins University received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his work on aquaporins.  Aquaporins allow the water we drink to pass through our cell membrane one molecule at a time. Theoretically, normal water with 10-20 molecules per cluster cannot easily penetrate aquaporins. But microclustered water with just 5-8 molecules can let single molecules penetrate more easily through cell membranes, hydrating the cell faster and more and effectively.

Fortunately, you actually CAN get “microclustered” alkaline mineral water right in your home home, without traveling to Ecuador — by making it yourself . You can either purchase a modern water ionizer system or learn how make your own water ionizer at home (see: https://rawfoodlife.com/build-your-own-water-ionizer).

Also see: Molecular arrangement in water, Petkov V, et al. J Phys Condens Matter. 2012, Department of Physics, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

We also know from NMR that electricity appears to reduce similar “clusters” in water to just 6 or so molecules, a property that lasts for up to 2 months. After that stored water reverts to large molecular groups again. Dr. Mu Shik Jhon originally did a study showing that there does appear to be a clear and well-defined difference between “Hexagonal Water” and tap water. Dr. Paul Shin, an NMR expert, tried to repeat this experiment and wrote, “Sure enough, I was indeed able to replicate his data precisely!”
See: https://rawfoodlife.com/organic-water

“Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is a scientific method to measure the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the magnetic nuclei of molecular structure.  NMR is one of the principal techniques used to obtain physical, chemical, electronic and structural information about molecules due to either the chemical shift, Zeeman effect, or the Knight shift effect, or a combination of both, on the resonant frequencies of the nuclei present in the sample. It is a powerful technique that can provide detailed information on the topology, dynamics and three-dimensional structure of molecules in solution and the solid state. NMR O17 is used to test the water cluster size, and hence make a determination of the molecular arrangement of the water under test, providing a measure of the quality and purity of the water. The line width in Hz is used to determine the change in the water through NMR testing. A line width of 50Hz to 60Hz is closer to water’s natural state, and better for human consumption. Water with a line width above 70Hz and more than 100Hz is common through man-made filtering and cleaning processes, which whilst treating the water, also de-structures the water into a more unnatural and unhealthy configuration.”

— Lemaitre V., Smith M.E., Watts A., “A review of oxygen-17 solid-state NMR of organic materials – towards biological applications”. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 26 (2006) 215-235. (SEE http://www.evolving-innovation.com/research/research-nmr/)

More Evidence of “Clusters” in Water

“Researchers are beginning to glimpse water’s secret social life .… Some say that the clusters’ apparent existence necessitates redesigning simulation models of life processes. And support is growing behind the idea that these intricate structures play key roles in operations ranging from molecular binding to turning on and off basic cell processes.”
See: http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/16005/title/Structured-Water-Is-Changing-Models/

Secrets of Clustered Water:  Interview with Dr. Lee Lorenzen By Uri Dowbenko

“What Dr. Lorenzen and colleagues discovered Dr Lee Lorenzenwas that the water was microclustered, or structured in geometric rings, which look like six-sided snowflakes when frozen. “It was basically these hexagons-these forms that were most prevalent in the healing springs-that don’t really exist in a lot of other areas,” continues Lorenzen. “When you flash freeze them, you can do crystallography and X-ray analyses. It was really quite unique. We had no idea that water would form like this.

We published these findings in the Japanese journal Snow and Ice, a scientific peer review journal, last year: “One of the breakthroughs of the is that it tends to stay fairly stable with good biological activity. Biologically active means that the water works well in hydrating living tissue, unlike common [fluoridated and chlorinated] tap water. Most importantly, the size and shape of these unique [six-sided ring clustered] water molecules allows them to pass through cell walls freely, delivering oxygen, nutrients, proteins and enzymes, while removing toxic substances. After many years of experimentation and testing, Dr. Lorenzen applied for and was granted a patent for Clustered Water in January of 1998. “


In 1976, Lee Lorenzen was a graduate student doing research at a University in California. Like so many aspiring researchers, his vocation was chosen because of his desire to make a difference in the health and happiness of others, but what he found was a model that wasn’t always working. Over and over again he saw that the medications he was researching appeared to be causing more harm than good.

“I remember saying to myself, over and over, in those days,” recalls Lorenzen, “Something is missing with this model.” Then it happened – a chain of events which ultimately led him to the discovery of water clusters and a method of stabilizing them.

During research using experimental rats, he was bitten and contracted a serious illness. Shortly thereafter, his wife was hospitalized with double pneumonia, and she began a downward spiral into chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis, Epstein Barr virus, and severe immuno-suppression. With Lee ill and his wife bedridden, taking care of their two toddlers became almost impossible. For the first time in their lives, they got on their knees and prayed for help. And slowly, the answers began to come.

“I went to the UCLA library, one afternoon.” says Lee. “As I walked down an aisle, I noticed a little red book which was sticking out from the shelf – a book which was written in 1962 by the Nobel Prize laureate, Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. As I read it, things began to make sense about cell water.” Months of research eventually led Lorenzen to the healing Spring of Lourdes, France. There, he found evidence of natural water clusters – something that had escaped decades of scientific scrutiny. He found the same phenomenon in ten other healing springs around the world and also found geologic similarities in the places where these healing springs were located. As he continued to research and more pieces of the puzzle came together, Lorenzen learned how to duplicate the natural conditions which produce water clusters. http://www.engineeredlifestyles.org/story-of-clustered-water.html

“ … the basic water molecule is made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The angle between the two hydrogen atoms is 104 degrees. Some molecules have more energy than others however and in these the angle is 109 degrees. It is these energized molecules that form the basis of the ‘liquid crystal’. The centers of these three atoms form a sort of triangle. In three dimensions, this triangle becomes a sort of 3 sided pyramid shape. This shape is called a tetrahedron. The most stable liquid crystal is formed from 8 of these tetrahedron molecules and is called the Stella Octangula. The different charges at the corners give it a high, one sided, polar charge. This high charge gives the molecule a tendency to orient itself in an electric field. That means that when an electric field is applied to this pure water, the alignment of the molecules tends to neutralize the electric field. (This is called the dielectric constant). It’s the dielectric constant that makes pure water a very poor conductor of electricity.”

“… ordinary water is composed of highly structured liquid crystals possessing a strong charge separated by unstructured molecules and hydrogen ions, (isolated protons which have lost their electron), which is called “the sea of chaos”. But all water is not ordinary water. In the living system, water is highly structured, that is, it is composed of a high percentage of liquid crystals with a very low percentage of chaotic disorganized molecules. Ordinary water on the other hand is composed of a large percentage of unstructured molecules which contain a small number of structured liquid crystals. There is a constant energy exchange process between structured molecules and those which are not structured. This exchange is brought about by random thermal (heat) motion. When an animal or plant takes in ordinary bulk water it has to create organized liquid crystals before the water can play a vital role in the living system. This structuring is accomplished by means of natural high-energy colloids. High energy means that the colloids have a high electric charge. The living system manufactures these colloids from minerals, albumins, and sugar complexes. These charged colloids act as tiny ‘seeds’ of energy that attract water molecules and form the nucleus of a liquid crystal. Colloids can only act as seed crystals if they have a high electrical potential. The charge on ordinary colloids is not very stable. For our purposes there are two different types of colloids.– http://www.quantumbalancing.com/energized_water_2.htm

A professional laboratory in Germany (Hagalis Laboratory) did a crystallization analysis of two water samples: ordinary tap water and the same type of water run through a water structuring device.

“ … according to Dr. Yang Oh and Gil-Ho Kim, water possesses differing molecular structures, and the kind of water you drink may relate to bodily dysfunction and disease. Basing their work on the research of Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, the authors conclude that the three different molecular structures of water identified in this book have varied affects on the body. They even point to evidence that seems to indicate abnormal water structure could be related to the abnormal cellular activity that results in cancer and diabetes. Their conclusion: The hexagonal structure of water is the one that promotes health and increases longevity.ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A native of Korea, Dr. Yang H. Oh holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Harvard Medical School. He is retired from a professorship at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. He is currently Director General of his own YHO Bio-Science R/D Center in Houston and also in Korea.

“molecular clusters have been measured by NMR technology…. “The half line width of 17-O NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) curve of natural Ionized Microcluster Alkaline Water is around 80Hz which indicates smaller size of water clusters. On the other hand, the half line width of 17-O NMR curve of tap water, bottled water and other purified water is above 100Hz indicating large water clusters.”


Updated 2016 by Robert Ross

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Also See:

Are You Eating Raw, Live Food But Drinking Dead, Lifeless Water?