Medical Disclaimer

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Our Medical Disclaimer does not give medical advice, diagnose diseases or suggest “treatments.” We believe your body has the inner wisdom to naturally achieve optimal health and heal itself when supported with a diet rich in whole, live, raw foods. If you have any medical conditions or questions, please ask a health professional to review the extensive information and scientific references available on this web site and available online before making any radical lifestyle or dietary changes.

Remember, a raw food diet is not a magic bullet. It is part of a holistic approach to your whole being’s wellness that takes time to learn and incorporate into your life.  Though you may experience many positive changes right away, you may have to thoroughly cleanse and heal your body’s digestion, elimination and immune systems before you fully experience all the benefits of raw food — and you may feel worse or weaker at first while your body cleanses decades of toxins, excess fat and disease. In most cases, this is perfectly normal  — and even a good thing!

It may be helpful to periodically support your body’s cleansing with appropriate colon therapies, fasting and other cleansing regimens. Remember to drink plenty of clean water. If you experience difficulty when starting a raw food regimen, please feel free to e-mail us, and always consult your health professional.

The GOOD NEWS is that when your body and mind are finally free from toxins and disease, you will experience a new level of health, more energy, increased happiness and greater longevity — a whole new quality of life that is a reflection of the responsibility, time and commitment you put into it.