Wheatgrass is the young grass of the common wheat plant, Triticum aestivum, a subspecies of the family Poaceae. Wheatgrass is usually grown indoors in greenhouses on trays filled with a potting mix. But DynamicGreens Flash-Frozen organic wheatgrass juice is field-grown in a remote area of Canada, far from pollution and chemical spraying so that it’s even better than fresh!
Flash-frozen organic wheatgrass juice is more potent than fresh!
Most home grown wheatgrass is grown in the controlled environment of your house or perhaps a greenhouse, but like all plants, wheatgrass thrives best when grown outdoors in the sun.
Field growing dramatically enhances the nutrition of wheatgrass because the plant releases phytonutrients in response to changing environmental conditions and the benefits of natural air, rain, sun and soil create a level of purity that are obvious the moment you taste the juice.
DynamicGreens outdoor growing combines the ideal elements for healthy growth – sun, air, lower density planting, frost cycles, winter and planned fallowing of the land. This natural environment produces healthier, stronger, more nutritious plants while preventing the molds commonly associated with indoor grown grass.
The main advantages of outdoor grown wheatgrass are:
- 6 x deeper root system
- 10 x longer growth cycle
- 50% higher chlorophyll levels
- Zero simple sugars (in the outdoor plant, they convert to complex carbohydrates)
- Higher phytonutrient levels
- Optimal raw and living format
- Flash freezing is key to capturing the raw, live power of wheatgrass juice
- It allows us to harvest the best possible plant (field grown) at the optimal moment (nutritional peak)
- Nutrition is fully maintained by flash freezing and the USDA confirms the retention of freshness, quality, nutrients, enzyme activity, etc. (See USDA)
- Indoor growing methods cannot provide the same nutritional power:
- tray grown plants don’t contain the same nutrient content
- most powders and tablets are usually dried with heat which destroys nutrients
- cut wheatgrass degrades quickly
- wheatgrass juices rapidly loses nutritional value when refrigerated, pasteurized or irradiated.
No detectable molds:
- Outdoor grown wheatgrass never has the mold issues commonly found in tray grown grasses
- This means far better taste
- It also ensures excellent tolerability as many people are allergic to the molds
- Molds cause most of the problems people associate with wheatgrass juice, often incorrectly blamed on cleansing or detox! Healthy wheatgrass tastes great and is easy to drink without upsetting the stomach.
Superior food safety
- Flash freezing technology keeps food safe because it stops the biological clock.
- This preserves nutrition and prevents the growth of microorganisms.
Wheatgrass is an amazing super food. So any properly grown wheatgrass, even tray-grown, contains the power to transform your health! The difference is that field-grown wheatgrass juice is so much more powerful because of its higher nutrition and life force Tray grown plants are just naturally inferior and re prone to molds, making the much more difficult to tolerate – in fact, for people sensitive to the molds it can be impossible to drink the juice at all.
Greenhouse growers all admit that molds is a problem when growing wheatgrass, but they claim the mold is not going to harm you or that the benefits outweigh the problems. Why should you drink wheatgrass juice that may be contaminated with mold if you have a choice? Also, wheatgrass juice that may have molds should never be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers and non-verbal children. On the other hand, DynamicGreens wheatgrass juice is always a clean, pure source of wheatgrass juice and can be enjoyed with complete confidence.
Wheatgrass Juice is a great way to help the body detox and purify. This is an important part of any personal beauty and anti aging program. If we have toxin in the body they they have to come out some how, often through the largest organ in the body- the skin. When toxins build up in the body they often cause acne and signs of premature aging.
Grown Outdoors! Solar Energy! No Mold! Completely Organic!
Flash frozen, organic wheatgrass juice that is field-grown is more potent & healthy than home-grown because it has to be hardier to grow in the wild, open air and under the sun. Home grown or greenhouse wheatgrass from an artificial environment is weaker and prone to mold. DynamicGreens more natural, organic growing combines the ideal elements for healthier plants – sun, air, lower density planting, frost cycles, winter and planned fallowing of the land.
Click Here to Download my RawFoodLife Wheatgrass E-book!
Not available in stores because it is not pasteurized or irradiated — truly a raw wheatgrass.
Each 100 fl. oz. provides 200 0.5 fl. oz. servings in convenient fresh frozen cubes.
- 200 Servings Just $189.00 (100 fl. oz.)
- 400 Servings Just $329.00 (200 fl. oz.)
- 800 Servings Just $579.00 (400 fl. oz.)
- 1600 Servings Just $999.00 (800 fl. oz.)
Grown on a Family Farm

DynamicGreens Wheatgrass juice is actually grown right on the organic family farm! It is harvested right at its young, grassy stage at a height of 7 – 11 inches. At this point, it is loaded with living energy and when squeezed, the tender young blades express a rich, dark green liquid called wheatgrass juice. Wheatgrass juice is a complete food or super food because the broad spectrum of nutrition can single-handedly support the body. When consumed in a raw, living state, wheatgrass juice contains well over 100 known vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants.