The Benefits of Live Alkaline Water
Live alkaline water is like live alkaline food — healthier, better tasting and more alive than processed foods or bottled water. Another good word for live alkaline water might be “Organic Water” because it is just like organic food — a nutrient that can be either organic and alive or processed and dead.
Like live, fresh, vegan food, “organic water” is alkaline. It has a higher “pH” that helps your body maintain a healthier acid/alkaline balance. Another name might be Ionized Alkaline Water, referring to the high number of ionized molecules in live, organic food or live alkaline water.
It is hard to find living alkaline water these days unless you make it yourself with a water ionizer — almost all available water from the tap or in bottles is dead, and may even be contaminated. The only reliable way to get it in fact is to make it yourself! For that, I recommend a Life Water Ionizer. A Life Ionizer increases the pH, antioxidants and available oxygen in water. You see, making the water more alkaline greatly increases the number of “hydroxyl ions” (OH-), which contain oxygen combined with hydrogen. Second, a Life Ionizer increases the negative Oxygen Reduction Potential (-ORP) in the water – which reduces anti-oxidants or free oxygen radicals by combining with them, converting dangerous free radicals into a safe, useful form of oxygen your body can use.
Everything you ever wanted to know about pH – finally made simple!When a water molecule (H20 or H-O-H) is ionized, either in nature or by a Life Ionizer, it is split into two ions – a hydrogen ion (H+) and a hydroxyl ion (OH-). In neutral or distilled water the number of hydrogen ions is equal to the number of hydroxyl ions. Acid water has more hydrogen ions than hydroxyl ions, so can be called “oxygen deficient.” Alkaline water has more hydroxyl ions (oxygen+hydrogen=OH) than hydrogen so it can be called “oxygen rich.” Since the pH scale is logarithmic, at a pH of 10 (which is possible with a Life ionizer, depending on your water source), there can be a MILLION times more oxygen-rich hydroxyl ions in the water than in a highly acidic liquid, like a cola. And since your body’s systems depend on oxygen, it is important to consume as much oxygen rich alkaline substances as possible. This is more true today than ever since the standard American diet (SAD) is highly “acid forming.”
In a healthy, oxygen-rich environment, your body’s processes are mostly alkaline and “aerobic.” In an oxygen deprived environment, your body relies on backup systems designed for use in emergency acidic conditions. Unfortunately, today what once was a temporary emergency condition is often the norm for many people. Many people are in fact addicted to the much less efficient survival mechanisms intended for times when the body is highly acidic and sufficient oxygen isn’t available. To get enough energy under these emergency conditions is difficult since the normal, aerobic metabolic process is about 15 times more efficient at creating energy.
For people addicted to an acidic diet and lifestyle, they have to constantly find sources of quick energy that are inefficient and ultimately toxic, which leads to addictions to caffeine, sugar, simple carbohydrates and sodas. We all know these things are not ultimately healthy, but they provide the quick energy we need throughout the day. When you eat or drink these unhealthy, acid-forming substances, you are also consuming acidic hydrogen ions ( H+), which doesn’t like don’t like being alone so are looking for oxygen to combine with, a process called oxidation, which steals the life-giving available oxygen your body needs.
On the other hand, living alkaline water has more hydroxyl ions (OH-) than hydrogen ions ( H+), so there are more oxygen atoms. That’s why alkaline water is sometimes called oxygen rich water. In the same manner, acid water is oxygen deficient water. For the best health your body needs abundant oxygen-rich hydroxyl ions to neutralize the acidic hydrogen ions in the acidic waste products that accumulate in our body from a SAD diet and lifestyle, and are associated with the aging process and illness.Though your body needs some hydrogen ions, an excess of them has widespread negative effects on the body’s systems. A positively charged hydrogen ion is highly reactive and will quickly combine with negatively charged ions. For example, proteins normally contain many negatively charged and alkaline molecules. An acidic pH can change the ionization of a protein, which may damage its proper function. At more extreme hydrogen ion or acidic concentrations a protein’s structure may be completely disrupted. The protein is then called “denatured” and is mostly indigestible at that point.
Almost all of your body’s systems require enzymes. But enzymes only function properly over a very narrow pH range. For most enzymes this is close to the pH of blood plasma (7.35 to 7.45). Note that the curve on this graph is centered around the pH range of blood and most other healthy bodily fluids. A few enzymes function best at a lower pH, the most obvious being the digestive enzyme pepsin, which is designed for the acid environment of the stomach (pH 1.5-3 ). As enzymes have a huge number of functions around the body, an acidic pH can disrupt a wide range of body systems, causing abnormal respiratory and cardiac function, derangements in blood clotting and much more. | ![]() |
The high pH of Living Alkaline Water Stimulates the Formation of Bicarbonates in Your Blood – Essential for Maintaining Acid/Alkaline Balance!
As we age, starting around 45 years, we start losing the alkaline bicarbonates in our blood that neutralize excess acids created by stress, poor diet, pollution and aging. By 90 years we lose about 18% of these critical bicarbonates. Bicarbonates are so important to maintaining balanced blood pH that if you don’t have enough of them your body will steal them from somewhere else. When it steals calcium from your bones to make bicarbonates it can contribute to osteoporosis! Insufficient quantities of bicarbonates in your blood also reduces your ability to neutralize and excrete the acids your body produces whenever you metabolize carbohydrates for energy – which is one of the key causes of aging. So one of the most important benefits of Organic Alkaline Water is to increase the bicarbonates in the blood that we lose as we age. If you cannot manage these acids, you accumulate acidic wastes that your body can’t neutralize and excrete, which either get stored in your body as excess fat, cholesterol, uric acid, urate, sulfate, phosphate, kidney stones, etc.
Significantly, 45 is approximately the age when most of us start showing symptoms of diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis and many other degenerative diseases. Increasing the availability of bicarbonates in your blood increases the ability of your blood to neutralize acids, reducing your risk of getting the degenerative diseases associated with excess acidic toxins!This is also the age when it starts to seem impossible to lose weight! Research by Dr. Robert O. Young, author of The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, shows that the epidemic of obesity in the industrialized world is result of excess acidity in the body because when your body can’t get rid of dangerous toxins, it stores them away safely by binding them to fat.
If blood is always around 7.4 pH, how does drinking living alkaline water make it more alkaline?
The stomach is designed to maintain a constant pH around 4.0. When you drink high pH alkaline water, the acid brings the pH of the water down – and the pH of your stomach comes up! How high it goes up is a function of the how much alkaline water you drink compared to how much hydrochloric acid was in your stomach, and pH of the water. When stomach pH rises above 4.5, your stomach produces more hydrochloric acid to bring the stomach pH back down to below pH 4.0. Water, carbon dioxide and sodium chloride combine in cellular chemical reactions that produce hydrochloric acid and sodium bicarbonate. The hydrochloric acid goes into the stomach and the sodium bicarbonate goes into the bloodstream. Sodium bicarbonate is an alkaline buffer in your blood that helps it to maintain a constant blood pH of 7.365. Ideally, you should drink alkaline water between meals, so there is a minimum of hydrochloric acid in your stomach to neutralize the alkalinity of the water.
Living Alkaline Water
Live alkaline water is naturally high in pH, which also means it is rich in oxygen, just like the organic fluids in your body and in fresh organic food. On the other hand, processed tap water or bottled water, like processed food, is acidic. In fact, some processed foods and drinks can be from 10,000 times to as much as 100,000 times more acidic than your blood – which doesn’t sound very healthy!
Just like the purest organic foods once grew wild in the wilderness, the purest organic water in nature once came from remote mountain rivers, streams and springs. But today, you have to buy water in bottles in a futile attempt to find pure water – and then you’ll fail! Because most bottled water is nothing more than processed tap water that may even be contaminated by plasticizers and other contaminants – often with an acidic pH. And high-price, designer bottled waters that are more expensive than gasoline are often not much more than a neutral pH! So if you don’t live near an uncontaminated underground spring in the middle of nowhere, what is your family going to drink?
Most popular water filters don’t do the trick either, some doing nothing more than removing most (but not all) of the chlorine and chemicals. Even filters that do remove chemicals and contaminates don’t restore the alkalinity essential to creating healthy organic water. To give your family health-giving, alkaline organic water there is only one reliable, safe and affordable long-term solution – MAKE IT YOURSELF!
Like live food, live alkaline mineral water is has a high negative oxygen reduction potential (-ORP), making it a powerful antioxidant — reducing oxidation from free oxygen radicals that can damage DNA, thus slowing the aging process, and providing more of the healthy forms of oxygen your body can use!Organic fruits and vegetables are the main natural source of negative ions (-ORP) that you can find in a healthy diet. Vitamin C and E, grape seed extract and alpha lipoic acid, for example, are all powerful electron donors. Organic, raw fruits and vegetables are alkaline and have a high –ORP, just like alkaline water, helping give your body the electrons it needs to neutralize free radicals.All chemical reactions in the body occur with the transfer of electrons. Negatively charged particles are called reducing agents, meaning they have plenty of electrons to donate “reducing” the charge of the particles with which they react. Particles that are electron-poor are called “oxidizing agents,” meaning they tend to pull electrons away. Thus, each substance in our body may act as either an oxidizing/oxidant or reducing agent/anti-oxidant.
However, not just any negatively charged ion will be able to neutralize oxygen free radicals. Both organic food and the water from a Life Water Ionizer do have this ability, indicated by the negative ORP value for its “oxidation reduction potential.”
Free oxygen radicals are among the most damaging molecules in the body and are highly unstable electron deficient molecules which are always looking for more electrons. Free radicals MUST get those electrons from somewhere and will steal them from wherever they can, including normal, healthy tissues. Damage to tissues results when free radicals strip electrons from healthy cells. They can even damage your DNA. If the damage is allowed to continue it leads to disease. For example, the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in arterial walls by free radicals causes an immune system response that results in atherosclerosis, the principal cause of heart disease.
Free oxygen radicals contribute to a everything from heart disease and cancer to things like sunburns, arthritis, cataracts, and many other conditions. Obviously, undamaged cells are less susceptible to infection and disease.The negative ions (-ORP) in alkaline water from a Life Water Ionizer are a rich source of electrons that can be donated to free oxygen radicals in the body, neutralizing them — and preventing them from damaging healthy tissues.Live Organic Alkaline Water also improves the balance of healthy micro-organisms in your digestive tract, encouraging “friendly” microflora in the intestinal tract and discouraging “unfriendly” organisms. Many diseases of the digestive system are due to a disturbance in the balance of the micro-organisms that normally live there.
Friendly and unfriendly micro-organisms prefer different oxidation-reduction potentials (ORP), the healthy high negative ORP value of alkaline water favors the growth of beneficial microflora in the gut.
Can you be so healthy, so full of life and so powerful that you are virtually immune to all the diseases associated with today’s Standard American Diet – and live as long as a Hunza?
There are five locations in the world where scientists have found a cloudy type drinking water which exhibits extraordinary physical characteristics and where the inhabitants reportedly live to be over 100 years of age, are in excellent health, have no cancer, no dental caries, are robust and have children in their old age. They are called Hunzaland in the Karkorum Mountains just north of Pakistan in the Himalayas, the Vilcambamba in Ecuador, a high mountain valley in Georgia, Russia, another in Mongolia and the final one in Peru. Though all these areas have different cultures and diets, they all have one thing in common – their water has similar properties – especially microclusters!
Microclusters in water are one of the least understood and most controversial subjects associated with alkaline or ionized water. There appears to be some evidence using NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) technology that ionized water forms stable “microclusters,” which was once thought to be impossible. What we know for sure (scientifically speaking) is that hexagonal crystals are formed when water is frozen (i.e., a snowflake). We also know from NMR that electricity appears to reduce similar clusters in water to just 6 molecules, a property that lasts for up to 2 months, after which stored water reverts to 12-13 molecules. Dr. Mu Shik Jhon originally did this study, reporting that there does appear to be a clear and well defined difference between “Hexagonal Water” and tap water.
Dr. Paul Shin, an NMR expert, tried to repeat this experiment and wrote, “Sure enough, I was indeed able to replicate his data precisely!”
Living Alkaline Water is Wetter, Aids Natural Detoxification & Provides Better Hydration!
The body must be continuously hydrated because it loses 2.5 liters of water every day through your normal bodily functions. Alkaline water helps you do that by making water “wetter.” The smaller clusters of this “structured” water are half as large as the water clusters that come out of the tap, reducing water’s surface tension. This means they permeate cellular membranes quicker and for easier, especially important for athletes or after strenuous exercise, increasing intra-cellular hydration and optimizing the other benefits you enjoy from drinking alkaline water: replacing depletion of essential minerals, protecting cells from free radicals, helping to maintain normal blood pH, neutralizing acidic wastes, helping the body detoxify and much more.
If you are suffering through diets, counting calories all day and working out all the time but still not losing that excess weight and keeping it off, perhaps it is because you haven’t given any thought to what you are drinking every day!
As we’ve learned, an acidic diet and lifestyle makes it hard for your body to get rid of acids and toxins, so they bind with fat for storage. Traditional weight loss programs don’t even address what may be one of the main causes of obesity – the excess acids your body can’t get rid of so stores it as fat. In fact, some of the recipes and prepared foods in those programs are probably acid-forming – exacerbating the problem. Reducing calories will not decrease the acidity of the body and may increase it if large amounts of acidic beverages are included. It takes 32 glasses of alkaline water to neutralize the acid from just one 12 oz. cola drink, which has a pH around 3.5. Coffee is not much better at a pH of 4. Even the tap and —-filtered waters you may drink are usually slightly acidic.
Sure, you may lose weight temporarily just because you’ve cut your caloric intake radically – but it won’t last because those acids are still there. And if you work out too much your body creates lactic acid (the cause of muscle burn and Charlie horse) – even more acid!Organic Water, in combination with an alkaline-forming diet including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lets you drink all the fresh-tasting alkaline water your body needs to wash away the fat associated with excess acids parked on your hips, thighs, buttocks and stomach! You see, a healthy, non-acidic body will return to its natural, ideal weight naturally!
Freed of the need to store those acidic toxins, the body’s cells, tissues, and organs return to it’s normal weight. All that acid-binding fat just melts right off when there will be no need for the body to hold on to it any more.Natural, clean Life-giving water has gotten so scarce that millions of people pay more for bottled water than gasoline! That makes a Water Ionizer the biggest bargain in town!
Counter to the commonly-held belief, an organic lifestyle is not just healthier, it saves you money and saves the planet! When you calculate the cost of drinking bottled water, it is as from 1,000 to as much as 10,000 times more expensive than tap water – and hundreds of times more expensive than Organic Water! If you drink just one 16 oz. bottle of a moderately priced bottled water every day, at $2.50 or so per bottle an average family could be spending over $2,000 every year – more than the cost of a Life Ionizer. A family of four could be spending twice that. And a Life Ionizer will last for over 20 years – as little as $100 a year. So bottled water is ten times more expensive than alkaline water!
Good for You – Good for the Environment!
As for the environmental cost – watch out! Drinking bottled water is contributing to pollution on a massive scale. That average family is using up 114 gallons of water for every bottle it drinks – that’s how much water it takes to make one plastic bottle. That average family is also burning up 9 gallons of oil used in making that bottle, spewing 68 lbs. of CO2 pollution into the air while doing so, and using up 37 megajoules of electricity!
The Bottle is Worth More than the Water in It!
Only 23% of the 200 billion plastic bottles thrown into landfills each year are recycled, the rest sit there leaking toxic additives such as phthalates into the groundwater and taking 1,000 years to biodegrade. That means bottled water may be harming our future water supply.Supplying Americans with plastic water bottles for one year consumes more than 47 million gallons of oil, enough to take 100,000 cars off the road and 1 billion pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
Drinking bottled water actually increases the price of gasoline, because the manufacturing of the bottles and the transportation of the water simply increases demand for oil. Transporting bottled water by boat, truck and train involves burning even more massive quantities of fossil fuels. More than 5 trillion gallons of bottled water is shipped internationally each year. You can buy water from Fiji or Norway – as much as 9,000 miles away. In Fiji there are no bottle factories, so the bottles are made in China, shipped to Fiji, where they are then filled and shipped to you. How much does that bottle cost the environment? Here’s the answer:
- 81 gallons of fossil fuels
- 720 gallons of water
- 153 tons of greenhouse gases
The bottled water industry is also destroying aquifers all over the world by “water mining.” When you mine water you remove it faster than nature can refill it, causing the aquifer to collapse. When that happens, it is lost forever destroying a non-renewable resource – our fresh water supplies. Worldwide, only 3% or so of the water on the planet is drinkable fresh water.So when you drink Organic Water, you are not only saving money on bottled water, you are helping to save the planet, too!
Living Alkaline Water Could Save You Thousands on Health Care Costs Every Year – Literally Paying for Itself!
As you read this a health care crisis and debate has been raging in the U.S. for years – but it isn’t actually a “health” care crisis, since medical care and “health” care are really two different things! In reality it is an economic problem having more to do with the costs of medical care than anything else. And so in the richest free country in the world, medical care is the most expensive in the world – causing us to rank only 36th in the world for health care in a World Health Organization study. Though this study isn’t perfect, the point is that the U.S. ranking was pushed down that low when adjusted for high medical costs.
Less than 9% of the U.S. population actually buys individual health insurance. At least 15% of the country is completely uninsured, and a substantial additional portion of the population is “under-insured.” More money per person is spent on health care in the United States than in any other nation in the world, roughly 16 cents of every dollar. Medical debt is the principal cause of personal bankruptcy in the United States. We spend an astounding $7,439 per person on health care – and even then 36 countries are considered healthier than us, including Cuba, Saudi Arabia, tiny Belize and many others. So even if you can afford to spend more than $600.00 per month on medical care, you are not even getting the quality “health” and wellness services you and your family deserves! With almost of third of families earning less than $30,000 a year – you do the math!
The answer isn’t more medical care – or expensive government programs that just transfer the cost to future generations. The answer is to become healthier – naturally! Without pills! Without hospitals! And without doctors!
In countries that focus on wellness and non-medical prevention (diet, nutrition, lifestyle, etc.), health care costs are considerably lower. But beware of medical industry propaganda that claims prevention increases health care costs – they only consider medical-based prevention as valid, so alternative, holistic or complimentary techniques are not even on their radar! In other words, they think that prevention means only those things that a medical doctor can still charge you for such as vaccines, treatment of risk factors for disease like elevated blood pressure or cholesterol, screening to catch disease early, and medical programs to help people stop drinking, smoking or overeating, which put them at higher risk of disease.Clearly, if you live a healthier lifestyle, eat a healthier, more organic, alkaline diet, drink more alkaline water, exercise regularly and eliminate those things that endanger your health, then you are likely to live a longer, healthier and happier life without as much need for doctors and their expensive pills or procedures. If you don’t need as much medical care, you will significantly reduce your medical costs! You don’t need a medical degree to understand that — It’s just common sense!
A Life Water Ionizer with Living Alkaline Water Can Pay for Itself in 4 Months!
A water Ionizer is a 20-year investment (the life of the ionization chamber) – that’s about $3 a month. Compare that to the $600.00 a month the average American spends on medical care!The savings on health care costs for just one person could pay for a Life Ionizer in a few months – a family of 4 could pay for it in just ONE month! If you finance a Life Ionizer at $100 a month, you are saving hundreds of dollars every month!
Of course, that assumes that you actually make healthy lifestyle and diet changes, including more organic alkaline food and water, regular exercise, etc. Once your body naturally cleanses and heals itself from years or decades of abuse, you will have a stronger immune system that can more effectively fight off dis-ease — and a body free of many of the toxins with known associations to diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes and arthritis, diseases long known to have associations to unhealthy lifestyle factors like smoking, drinking alcohol, environmental chemicals and pesticides. With the help of the high pH and negative ORP you get in pure alkaline water, you can significantly reduce those risk factors! And if you don’t get sick, your medical care may be nothing more than annual checkups and hopefully rare emergencies.
Living Alkaline Water Tastes Better – and Makes Everything Else Taste Better, too!
Your taste buds are evolved to help you identify things that are good for you to eat and drink, so the when food is better for you it just tastes better! Of course, after years or decades of eating and drinking highly cooked or processed foods and beverages, your taste buds may be confused by chemicals like “taste enhancers,” and are probably not as sensitive as they should be. In fact, you may actually not like the taste of some vegetables that are really good for you. But once you have rehabilitated your taste buds, things that tasted awful before will taste much, much better.
Though you may think that water has no taste, the opposite is the truth! Highly processed, tap water or filtered bottle water often has little or no taste, but alkaline water will taste better right away! The reason that low-quality water has little or no taste is because of the larger cluster size, lower pH and lower negative ORP. That water is hard for your body, including your taste buds, to absorb and has few of the nutrients your body craves. It may even be loaded with toxic chemicals!
Water rich in antioxidants, oxygen and minerals that is easily absorbed just naturally tastes better – lighter, smoother and even with a slightly sweet flavor! Using this water in the preparation of other foods and beverages makes them all taste better, too. You’ll naturally drink more, stay more hydrated and feel healthier – and you can’t put a price on that!
Selected References
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