Jeffrey Smith

The Battle to Avoid GMO Foods: Introducing Jeffrey Smith, Non-GMO Advocate

As a raw foodist, you should be more concerned about how to avoid GMO foods (Genetically Modified Organisms) than anyone else. Being a raw...

The Devastating European e.coli Super Bug of 2011 was Bioengineered

The thing about tyrants and bullies is that they live in a fear-based reality. Fear is all they know - because they themselves are...

The Truth About Monsanto GMO Foods They Don’t Want to Tell...

To find the truth you need to study the facts for yourself and be empowered in your own healthy choices. Genetic Roulette” by Jeffrey...
Jeffrey Smithvideo

We are Winning — Latest Non-GMO Victory by Jeffrey Smith

Check out the latest video from non-GMO advocate Jeffrey Smith. This short video is under 5 min., but it celebrates the fact that We...
Jeffrey Smithvideo

“Secret Ingredients” Video Trailer from Non-GMO Advocate Jeffrey Smith

Check out the new trailer for Secret Ingredients, the latest video from non-GMO advocate Jeffrey Smith. This video will accelerate consumer rejection of genetically...