Dragon’s Blood Treats Wounds, Melanoma, Diabetes, Skin Problems & More!

Dragon's Blood is a bright red resin from the Croton Lechleri tree in the Amazon rain forest.

Dragon’s Blood is one of my favorite products to use topically.  Clinical studies have shown that wounds heal 4 times faster when applied.  I rub it in the palm of my hand with my finger to turn it into a thick cream and I apply it to the wound.  It’s antibacterial, antifungal and anti-viral.  When it dries, it hardens like a natural band-aid over the wound.
Dragon’s Blood is a bright red resin that comes from the Croton Lechleri tree in the Amazon rainforest.  For centuries, this resin has been used as a topical aid for cuts, bites, burns, stings, rashes, abrasions, sores, and wounds. (1)

The sap of the tree is rich in antioxidant phenols and anti-inflammatories. The sap protects skin cells and reduces redness and swelling.  It also contains proanthocyanidins which help repair collagen. Dragon’s blood also contains taspine, a tissue healing agent.  It is antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal. (1)

Dragon’s Blood is antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal!

Dragon’s blood is harvested after making a cut into the bark of the tree, causing the sap to flow.  A cup is then fixed to the bottom of the cut to collect the sap.  In the Amazon, you can find bottles of Dragon’s blood at medicinal stands and shops.  In the United States, pure Dragon’s Blood is not as readily available.  The Raw Food World Store is one of the few sources of pure Dragon’s Blood! (2)

When using Dragon’s Blood, it will form a thin cream colored layer that acts as a skin membrane to help soothe and protect the wound. (2)

Dragons BloodDragon’s Blood is great for skin care but has a wide array of uses beyond skin care.  It is backed by over 50 clinical studies.  It can be used both internally and externally! (2)

One study found that Dragon’s Blood produced significant result in treating Herpes Virus Type 1 and 2! The researchers used Dragon’s Blood topically to heal genital lesions in mice and guinea pigs.  Another study found that Dragon’s Blood inhibited the growth of all tested fungi. (2)

Dragon’s Blood can be helpful in treating Herpes Virus Type 1 and 2, melanoma SK23, Diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Diabetes.

Another study found that Dragon’s Blood may be helpful in treating melanoma SK23 cells. The taspine in it inhibits cell proliferation and can be used as an anticancer treatment. Clinical studies have also that it’s helpful in healing hemorrhoids! (2)

There are numerous testimonials that have stated that Dragon’s Blood is effective in healing gum and teeth issues.  People report that it tightens their gums, stops bleeding and encourages tissues to regenerate.  It is recommended to swish a few drops undiluted  around in your mouth and then spit out.  Wait as long as possible before rinsing your mouth in order to let it work! (2)

If you spend time traveling, Dragon’s Blood is a travel must have!  Taking it internally can help stop diarrhea. (2)

Two clinical studies reported that Dragon’s Blood is the first and only U.S. FDA approved agent for symptomatic relief of non-infectious diarrhea in adult patients with HIV/AIDS. (2) It has also shown itself to be effective at improving stool consistency and symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. (2)

Studies show Dragon’s Blood is effective in protecting the brain from radiation and increasing blood flow to the brain!

Other studies reported internal use helps protect the bone marrow, liver, spleen and brain.  One study focuses on Dragon’s Blood’s ability to protect the brain from radiation.  The study reports that it inhibits hippocampal neuronal apoptosis caused by excess radiation.  Diseases such as Alzheimer’s, ALS, Huntington’s, and Parkinson’s are all results of the progressive loss of structure or functions on neurons in the brain. (2)

Other studies have found that Dragon’s Blood protects against focal cerebral ischemia.  -Brain ischemia is a condition that results in insufficient blood flow to the brain.  This leads to poor oxygen supply and the death of brain tissue.  (2)

Dragon’s Blood has also been proven to be useful in helping manage diabetes.  One study found that it exerts an anti-diabetic effect by suppressing intestinal carbohydrate absorption and reduces the postprandial increase of blood glucose. (2)

If you find yourself concerned about osteoporosis or bone fractures, one clinical study showed that Dragon’s Blood increases osteogenic effect and promotes osteoblast differentiation, mineralization and bone formation. (2)

Dragon’s Blood is used in the celebrity world for beauty treatments!

One study found that 92, percent of volunteers saw an increase in skin elasticity over a three month trial period.  Seventy-two percent noticed a reduction of skin sagging. (3) Actors, actresses and performing artists are now using Dragon’s Blood as a natural replacement for Restylane cheek injections.  It can also be used as a natural makeup remover that will create smooth and plumped skin.  Other studies report that Dragon’s Blood helps heal acne scarring as well as eczema.  (3)

If you have not tried Dragon’s Blood, its uses are versatile and every home should have bottles of Dragon’s Blood in their first aid kit, hygiene kits and beauty kits!

Sources for this article include:

    1. http://www.medicinehunter.com/dragons-blood
    2. http://news.therawfoodworld.com/new-product-dragons-blood-backed-50-clinical-studies/
    3. http://news.therawfoodworld.com/dragons-blood-cosmetic-beauty-applications/
By Matthew Monarch, December, 2015
Proprietor, theRawFoodWorld.com

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