We are Winning — Latest Non-GMO Victory by Jeffrey Smith


Check out the latest video from non-GMO advocate Jeffrey Smith. This short video is under 5 min., but it celebrates the fact that We the People are winning by rejecting genetically engineered foods (GMOs). When you learn how GMOs and Monsanto’s Roundup are linked to all the chronic “diseases of civilization” that plague our culture, I guarantee that you will want to change your diet to organic and non-GMO foods, too.

You may remember Jeffrey’s earlier film, Genetic Roulette—The Gamble of Our Lives, which exposed the awful health consequences of genetically engineered foods (GMOs) and motivated so many to start a non-GMO diet.

Thousands of physicians have seen their own patients recover from numerous conditions when they just that consuming toxic GMOs and pesticides like Roundup (glyphosate) – recently shown to be in virtually everyone’s blood now, despite the fact that Monsanto promised it could never happen since glyphosate is supposed to be biodegradable. NOT!

iStock_000003556658XcropGMOs are still the biggest threat to our environment and your health in human history. It’s a bigger, more dangerous threat than even Global Warming or Fukushima! To be a strong and healthy human being, we must have access to healthy non-GMO and organic foods.

Even conventional non-GMO foods are an improvement over GMOs which not only threaten to put organic farms out of business, but actually do that every time they contaminate organic with genetic drift – GMOs that float through the air contaminating nearby fields. Of course, Monsanto says that doesn’t happen. WRONG!

Jeffrey SmithThe leading consumer advocate for non-GMO choices, Jeffrey M. Smith, is the author of the world’s best selling books on the dangers of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Jeffrey exposes how biotech companies mislead consumers, legislators and safety officials to put everyone’s health in peril. Jeffrey founded the Institute for Responsible Technology in 2003.

by Jeffrey Smith, December, 2017
Founder, The Institute for Responsible Technology

Previous Video by Jeffrey Smith
GMO Food Allergies & Gluten Sensitivity

Also read:

Non-GMO — The Front Line in the Battle to Save Your Food