iStock 3952 Juicer

How to Choose a Juicer for Raw Foodists!

In general, juicing for raw foodists is best using the slow speed masticating juicers, available from several makers including Samson, Omega, Kuvings, GreenStar, Green...
29605111 - mysteries of water

The Hidden Mysteries of Water – Beyond Enzymes, pH or ORP!

Water, believe it or not, is the master key to everything wondrous and healthy about a raw food lifestyle. Our bodies, our food and...

How a Dehydrator Saved My Sanity — as well as My...

Raw Food and Dehydrators The Physiology of Chewing! My first experience of the raw food lifestyle was at the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego,...

Make Your Own Alkaline Ionized Water Right at Home

There are several ways to make alkaline ionized water. You could use a little baking soda or just add lemon juice to water and...
I HAte Vegetables

Raw Guide for People Who Hate Vegetables

Why some people hate vegetables and what can they do about it. In today’s fast-food society, it’s not  uncommon for people to have an...
Scientific Study

Bicarbonates neutralize the acid toxins prevalent in cooked foods.

Your whole body is based on a careful balance between acid and alkaline. In fact your life depends on it! So the body has...