67347151 - alkaline water

The Importance of a Proper Acid Alkaline Balance in Your Body

When you want to transition to a healthier alkaline diet, it is critical to know which foods are alkaline and which are acidic so...
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The Hidden Mysteries of Water – Beyond Enzymes, pH or ORP!

Water, believe it or not, is the master key to everything wondrous and healthy about a raw food lifestyle. Our bodies, our food and...
Sol CBD Oilvideo

Clinically Proven CBD Oil — A 10,000 Year Old “Medical Breakthrough”

Every day major media outlets publish stories of men and women dramatically transforming their lives with an amazing medical breakthrough thousands of years in...
Baltimore SUn Logo

A Raw Food Chef Shows How to Make a Decadent Raw...

Interview with Robert Ross of RawFoodLife.com Some like it hot. Not raw foodists. Raw food diet proponents believe food is best eaten as nature made...
Fit woman drinking Green smoothie.

Power Food for Vegan, Vegetarian & Raw Athletes

Athletes often like to experiment with vitamins, protein powders and pills, forgetting a simple yet vital performance factor — their diet. While genetic, physical,...

The Healing Properties of Honey

Is it OK for Vegans to use Honey for its Healing Properties? With all the health challenges facing everyone these days, you may want to...
Testing Alkaline pH

Study: Alkaline Mineral Water Can Raise Your pH

We can all learn to question our cherished assumptions! I've seen many alkaline mineral water "experts" on the internet regularly assert that alkaline mineral water...