Historic Study on Effects of Fertilizers Has Surprising Results

32-Year Field Study on Effects of Organic & Inorganic Fertilizers Has  Surprising Results I published this study over a decade ago because it is...
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The Organic Farming Manual – Learn How to Get Started!

There are only a few books on getting started with certified organic farming, but this is a good place to start. This book covers...

Fukushima Back in the News – The Raw Food Radiation Connection

Fukushima Radiation Has Now Reached the U.S., Canada & Mexico! Fukushima Reactor #2 Pressure Vessel Breached, Rising to “Unimaginable” Levels of Radiation. Latest Radiation levels...
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The Real History of the Biotech Company that Invented GMO’s

MonSatan is a parody name that I created for the Monsanto Corporation many years ago. Now it is used all across the web --...
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Selenium Prevents Many Diseases Caused By Poor Nutrition

Selenium is a trace mineral found naturally in soil that also is found in certain foods and in small amounts in water. Selenium prevents...

Exposing Dangers of Monsanto’s GMO Frankenfoods

The concerns over GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) is more important today for the raw food community than ever before. I believe that GMO frankenfoods...

The Devastating European e.coli Super Bug of 2011 was Bioengineered

The thing about tyrants and bullies is that they live in a fear-based reality. Fear is all they know - because they themselves are...
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Juice Fasting for Health, Detox & Weight Loss

There are many reasons for fasting. In Western religions traditions, fasting has been used to purify the spirit or soul for thousands of years...
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The Importance of a Proper Acid Alkaline Balance in Your Body

When you want to transition to a healthier alkaline diet, it is critical to know which foods are alkaline and which are acidic so...

The Healing Properties of Honey

Is it OK for Vegans to use Honey for its Healing Properties? With all the health challenges facing everyone these days, you may want to...