Juice Fasting for Health, Detox & Weight Loss
There are many reasons for fasting. In Western religions traditions, fasting has been used to purify the spirit or soul for thousands of years...
Amazing Raw Food Soup Recipes
These amazing raw food soup recipes are delicious at any meal. Remember, always use fresh, organically grown and raw ingredients. To preserve the enzymes...
Raw Pet Food: Why You Should Feed Jasper Fresh, Raw Food
Do not read this article while eating your dinner or feeding your pet!
If you think your pet food really contains healthy ingredients like whole chicken,...
How to Enjoy a Safe, Raw 3-Day Juice Fast!
The Optimum Health Institute, where I used to teach raw food classes, recommends a juice fast 3 days every month. It's also a good...
How a Dehydrator Saved My Sanity — as well as My...
Raw Food and Dehydrators
The Physiology of Chewing!
My first experience of the raw food lifestyle was at the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego,...
Raw Food Basics — How to Enjoy a Raw Food Lifestyle
Raw Food Basics: Getting Started with a Raw Food Lifestyle
A raw food diet is based on eating live, uncooked and unprocessed foods as a...
STUDY: Vegetarians have more Stamina than Meat Eaters!
These studies show that vegetarians have more stamina than meat eaters. In one case, sedentary vegetarians had more stamina than athletic meat eaters! Though...
Clinically Proven CBD Oil — A 10,000 Year Old “Medical Breakthrough”
Every day major media outlets publish stories of men and women dramatically transforming their lives with an amazing medical breakthrough thousands of years in...
How CBD Helps Children — a Safe & Miraculous Option for...
When parents think about treatments for their children, safety is is usually their main concern. Children have smaller bodies and their brains and tissues...
Interview with Robert Ross
The Science & Philosophy of Raw Food
Robert is the owner & creator of RawFoodLife.com, the #1 website on Google for Raw Food. In his...