The Ideal Diet for You!

What is the ideal diet for you!

I designed a series of 5 dietary lifestyles that are extremely healthy for you to choose from to design your own ideal diet. I...

The Benefits of Raw Food – Robert’s Raw Food Videos in...

Here are some raw food videos of talks I gave at the Soma Cafe in Florida about the benefits of a raw food lifestyle,...
Big Pharma Header

Big Pharma Threatens to Take Over the Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry is growing rapidly throughout the world. The evidence is rapidly expanding for the medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids like cannabidiol...
fresh juice girl

Juice Fasting for Health, Detox & Weight Loss

There are many reasons for fasting. In Western religions traditions, fasting has been used to purify the spirit or soul for thousands of years...

Why You Should Only Eat Raw Foods by Dr. Bernarr

According to Dr. Bernarr, one of the true founding fathers of the raw food world, cooking food above 118°F for three minutes or longer...
Irie CBD Kids Covervideo

How CBD Helps Children — a Safe & Miraculous Option for...

When parents think about treatments for their children, safety is is usually their main concern. Children have smaller bodies and their brains and tissues...
Living Water

The Science & Benefits of Live Alkaline Water

The Benefits of Live Alkaline Water Live alkaline water is like live alkaline food -- healthier, better tasting and more alive than processed foods or...
IrieCBD Pain Covervideo

Natural Relief – How CBD Helps Manage Pain

That CBD helps manage pain is probably cannabis' oldest acknowledged health benefit. The relief that people with terminal conditions can experience is the real...
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Conscious Disagreement — How to Disagree without Fighting!

Join me on the road less traveled & discover all that we have in common. Constantly fighting, arguing and invaliding each other actually inhibits our...

How a Raw Food Diet Helps You Get a Good Night’s...

When you eat mostly vegan raw food you'll probably need much less sleep. As you transition to a raw food lifestyle you’ll find days when...