The Benefits of Raw Food – Robert’s Raw Food Videos in...

Here are some raw food videos of talks I gave at the Soma Cafe in Florida about the benefits of a raw food lifestyle,...

The Healing Properties of Honey

Is it OK for Vegans to use Honey for its Healing Properties? With all the health challenges facing everyone these days, you may want to...

What does RoundUp Ready mean to you!

Monsanto, the American company that invented Roundup (glyphosate), was recently purchased by Bayer in Germany. Roundup is a broad-spectrum agricultural chemical that was discovered...
Cruciferous vegetables

The Science of Broccoli — Cruciferous Vegetables May Prevent Cancer

Introduction by Robert Ross Isothiocyanates are derived from the hydrolysis (breakdown) of glucosinolates—sulfur-containing compounds found in cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables contain a variety of...

Forty Centuries of Agriculture in Asia – the Original Organic Farmers!

Farmers of Forty Centuries: Organic Farming in China, Korea, and Japan How did Asian farmers work the same fields for 40,000 years without destroying the...
Time Magazine

10 Foods That Pack A Wallop – Time Magazine

"Food, of course, is a necessary ingredient for good health. But is it more than that? Can eating the right foods in the right...
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The Importance of a Proper Acid Alkaline Balance in Your Body

When you want to transition to a healthier alkaline diet, it is critical to know which foods are alkaline and which are acidic so...
Baltimore SUn Logo

A Raw Food Chef Shows How to Make a Decadent Raw...

Interview with Robert Ross of Some like it hot. Not raw foodists. Raw food diet proponents believe food is best eaten as nature made...
Living Water

The Science & Benefits of Live Alkaline Water

The Benefits of Live Alkaline Water Live alkaline water is like live alkaline food -- healthier, better tasting and more alive than processed foods or...
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The Hidden Mysteries of Water – Beyond Enzymes, pH or ORP!

Water, believe it or not, is the master key to everything wondrous and healthy about a raw food lifestyle. Our bodies, our food and...