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The Importance of a Proper Acid Alkaline Balance in Your Body

When you want to transition to a healthier alkaline diet, it is critical to know which foods are alkaline and which are acidic so...

Forty Centuries of Agriculture in Asia – the Original Organic Farmers!

Farmers of Forty Centuries: Organic Farming in China, Korea, and Japan How did Asian farmers work the same fields for 40,000 years without destroying the...
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Conscious Disagreement — How to Disagree without Fighting!

Join me on the road less traveled & discover all that we have in common. Constantly fighting, arguing and invaliding each other actually inhibits our...

The Raw Truth: What You Probably Don’t Know About Agave Nectar

If you are reading this article you probably already know the truth about agave and avoid foods containing High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). But...

Fukushima Back in the News – The Raw Food Radiation Connection

Fukushima Radiation Has Now Reached the U.S., Canada & Mexico! Fukushima Reactor #2 Pressure Vessel Breached, Rising to “Unimaginable” Levels of Radiation. Latest Radiation levels...

Prion Disease Studies Show Mad Cow Disease Caused by Acid pH!

Diet Affects pH at Cellular Level -- Mad Cow Disease is Caused by Acidic pH! As a raw foodist and vegan, I am not likely...
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Why We Really Don’t Need GMO Foods

What the mainstream media aren't telling you. This list below of 10 reasons why we don't need GMO foods is really is just a summary...

The Healing Properties of Honey

Is it OK for Vegans to use Honey for its Healing Properties? With all the health challenges facing everyone these days, you may want to...
Time Magazine

10 Foods That Pack A Wallop – Time Magazine

"Food, of course, is a necessary ingredient for good health. But is it more than that? Can eating the right foods in the right...
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The 2nd Most Important Molecule in Your Body – Say Hello...

Avoiding Sugar & Fruit When Starting a Raw Food Diet & Lifestyle Raw food and sugar from a little fruit is fine on a raw...