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The Hidden Mysteries of Water – Beyond Enzymes, pH or ORP!

Water, believe it or not, is the master key to everything wondrous and healthy about a raw food lifestyle. Our bodies, our food and...
Raw Food fruits & vegetables

Raw Science: Alkaline pH Minerals Reduce the Risk of Disease

More Proof that Alkaline pH is Essential for Your Health The human body is naturally intended to be mostly alkaline on the pH...
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The Organic Farming Manual – Learn How to Get Started!

There are only a few books on getting started with certified organic farming, but this is a good place to start. This book covers...
Scientific Study

Bicarbonates neutralize the acid toxins prevalent in cooked foods.

Your whole body is based on a careful balance between acid and alkaline. In fact your life depends on it! So the body has...

The Devastating European e.coli Super Bug of 2011 was Bioengineered

The thing about tyrants and bullies is that they live in a fear-based reality. Fear is all they know - because they themselves are...

What Mainstream Media Isn’t Telling You About GMO Foods!

You need Non-GMO & Organic Foods to be truly healthy. What you don't know about GMO foods is just part of a much larger problem...

Forty Centuries of Agriculture in Asia – the Original Organic Farmers!

Farmers of Forty Centuries: Organic Farming in China, Korea, and Japan How did Asian farmers work the same fields for 40,000 years without destroying the...
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Conscious Disagreement — How to Disagree without Fighting!

Join me on the road less traveled & discover all that we have in common. Constantly fighting, arguing and invaliding each other actually inhibits our...
Cute Cows

Dairy Products, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease

The Evil Molecule Lurking in Your Dairy Products Basically, Jim Cross, the original author of this article, doesn't actually have a problem with dairy products,...
Truth About GMO Fruits

The Raw Truth About Arctic Apples — Time to Invest in...

The genetically modified "Arctic Apple" was approved last year in the U.S. This so-called breakthrough is actually major setback in the evolution of apples! You...