36966274 - adenosine triphosphate (atp)

The 2nd Most Important Molecule in Your Body – Say Hello...

Avoiding Sugar & Fruit When Starting a Raw Food Diet & Lifestyle Raw food and sugar from a little fruit is fine on a raw...

What does RoundUp Ready mean to you!

Monsanto, the American company that invented Roundup (glyphosate), was recently purchased by Bayer in Germany. Roundup is a broad-spectrum agricultural chemical that was discovered...
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The Diet of Prehistoric Man

Prehistoric man was probably mostly vegan, since catching wild animals isn't easy with your bare hands or even a simple spear. For survival, primitive...

How to Enjoy a Safe, Raw 3-Day Juice Fast!

The Optimum Health Institute, where I used to teach raw food classes, recommends a juice fast 3 days every month. It's also a good...

Fresh, Raw Leafy Greens Protect Your Mind, Heart, Bones, Eyes &...

Fresh, raw leafy greens are one of the most important foods to eat on a daily basis!  Whether you enjoy your greens juiced, in...

Guide to Natural Kitchen Tools & Why You Need Them!

First, as a raw foodist I’m at least 75% raw and 95% organic. So I rarely need to cook or even use natural kitchen...

GMOs will Destroy our Entire Food System

GMOs Destroy Biological Diversity Before the invasion of GMO’s in the late 1990’s, I used to worry about the differences between conventional and organic crops....

The Spices That Activate the Endocannabinoid System

How to Use Spices to Activate the Endocannabinoid System Since 1990, when the endocannabinoid system was first discovered, the cannabis industry has been in a...
The Ideal Diet for You!

What is the ideal diet for you!

I designed a series of 5 dietary lifestyles that are extremely healthy for you to choose from to design your own ideal diet. I...
Fit woman drinking Green smoothie.

Power Food for Vegan, Vegetarian & Raw Athletes

Athletes often like to experiment with vitamins, protein powders and pills, forgetting a simple yet vital performance factor — their diet. While genetic, physical,...