71172964 - EMF health risks

Cell Phones, EMF Fields, 5G Tech & the Rising Risk of...

We currently live in an environment that's never existed in nature before. Today's environment is loaded with electrical pollution, or electromagnetic fields (EMF) from...

Bibliography: Fruits & Vegetables & Breast Cancer Prevention

This bibliography was originally published o this site in 2001, but is still an excellent place to start for anyone interested in breast cancer...
Jeffrey Smith

The Battle to Avoid GMO Foods: Introducing Jeffrey Smith, Non-GMO Advocate

As a raw foodist, you should be more concerned about how to avoid GMO foods (Genetically Modified Organisms) than anyone else. Being a raw...

Whatever You Think About Monsanto & Friends, it’s Worse — GMO’s...

Monsanto's GMO's, political corruption and falsified research has unleashed new microscopic "Frankensteins" that are already making animals & people sick and dramatically decreasing fertility....

GMOs will Destroy our Entire Food System

GMOs Destroy Biological Diversity Before the invasion of GMO’s in the late 1990’s, I used to worry about the differences between conventional and organic crops....

The Benefits of Raw Food – Robert’s Raw Food Videos in...

Here are some raw food videos of talks I gave at the Soma Cafe in Florida about the benefits of a raw food lifestyle,...

The Impact of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) on Your Health.

Reduce Your Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Radiation is the emission of energy from any source. It comes in many forms, ranging in frequency on...
49194055 - Brazil Nuts, goodsource of selenium

Selenium Prevents Many Diseases Caused By Poor Nutrition

Selenium is a trace mineral found naturally in soil that also is found in certain foods and in small amounts in water. Selenium prevents...

The Raw Truth: What You Probably Don’t Know About Agave Nectar

If you are reading this article you probably already know the truth about agave and avoid foods containing High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). But...
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The Importance of a Proper Acid Alkaline Balance in Your Body

When you want to transition to a healthier alkaline diet, it is critical to know which foods are alkaline and which are acidic so...