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Conscious Disagreement — How to Disagree without Fighting!

Join me on the road less traveled & discover all that we have in common. Constantly fighting, arguing and invaliding each other actually inhibits our...
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Compassion for All Sentient Beings – the Core of a Vegan...

Choosing life over death and suffering. Ultimately, compassion for all sentient beings is at the core of the vegan lifestyle. It is, in the final...

How a Dehydrator Saved My Sanity — as well as My...

Raw Food and Dehydrators The Physiology of Chewing! My first experience of the raw food lifestyle was at the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego,...
Alkaline Foods

Raw Food – the Healthiest Way to Live on Our Planet!

A healthy raw food lifestyle is one of the greatest ways to live on the planet! All you have to do is  eat live,...

How a Raw Food Diet Helps You Get a Good Night’s...

When you eat mostly vegan raw food you'll probably need much less sleep. As you transition to a raw food lifestyle you’ll find days when...

The Healing Properties of Honey

Is it OK for Vegans to use Honey for its Healing Properties? With all the health challenges facing everyone these days, you may want to...
Irie CBD Kids Covervideo

How CBD Helps Children — a Safe & Miraculous Option for...

When parents think about treatments for their children, safety is is usually their main concern. Children have smaller bodies and their brains and tissues...
The Ideal Diet for You!

What is the ideal diet for you!

I designed a series of 5 dietary lifestyles that are extremely healthy for you to choose from to design your own ideal diet. I...