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GMOs will Destroy our Entire Food System
GMOs Destroy Biological Diversity
Before the invasion of GMO’s in the late 1990’s, I used to worry about the differences between conventional and organic crops....
Where do you get your Protein? The Sad Truth about Soy...
The Sad Truth about Soy in America.
Many people have a false idea of the importance of protein in their diets even after becoming vegan....
Vegan Raw Food vs. Vegan Fast Food – Not Quite the Same!
If you ever wondered whether or not a vegan can get anything at a KFC, Burger King or McDonald's the short answer is yes....
The Many Health Benefits of Reishi Mushroom Oil
The reishi mushroom fungus has been used in the Asia since prehistoric times. The name reishi refers to one of several woody mushrooms, meaning...
What is the ideal diet for you!
I designed a series of 5 dietary lifestyles that are extremely healthy for you to choose from to design your own ideal diet. I...
10 Scientific Studies that Prove GMO Food is Harmful to Your Health
The truth is that we just don’t know enough about GMO food to say its safe to eat -- or even for feeding to...
Discover the Joys of Growing Your Own Wheatgrass
Drinking wheatgrass juice goes all the way back to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia! Egyptians believed wheatgrass was a sacred plant and honored it for...
Juice Fasting for Health, Detox & Weight Loss
There are many reasons for fasting. In Western religions traditions, fasting has been used to purify the spirit or soul for thousands of years...
STUDY: Vegetarians have more Stamina than Meat Eaters!
These studies show that vegetarians have more stamina than meat eaters. In one case, sedentary...
Vitamin B12 for Vegans — Watch Out for B12 Analogues!
Many vegans assume they can get adequate vitamin B12 from sea vegetables. However, that is...
Raw Food & Liberty – The Battle for Control of What You Think
Raw Food & Liberty: The legal battle to control what you eat ... and think!
Why Your Body isn’t Crying Out for Bottled Water from a Distant Factory
The multinational corporations that sell bottled water today, such as Big Cola, only enter markets...
Nature Wins Again: Coconut Water vs. Sports Drinks!
by Matthew Monarch, March 2015
Me and my family drink coconut water continually on an...
Discover the Joys of Growing Your Own Wheatgrass
Drinking wheatgrass juice goes all the way back to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia! Egyptians believed wheatgrass was a sacred plant and honored it for...
The World’s Best Juicers from Super Angel
Click Shop Now to Save $30.00 with my WORLDS-BEST coupon!
Super Angel - the World's Best Juicers, feature a totally revolutionary twin gear design. You'll...
Acrylamide News — Cancer from Cooking & Fast Food
More Reasons to Eat Raw Food!
Acrylamide is a chemical compound with the chemical formula C₃H₅NO. Its IUPAC name is prop-2-enamide. It is a white...
Clinically Proven CBD Oil — A 10,000 Year Old “Medical Breakthrough”
Every day major media outlets publish stories of men and women dramatically transforming their lives with an amazing medical breakthrough thousands of years in...
How to Use the Raw Food Pyramid When Starting a Raw...
Help When Starting a Raw Food Lifestyle
Here is a standard raw food pyramid. There's a bunch of them online. The thing to remember is...