72410738 - acid alkaline balance

Raw Food and pH – What Your Doctor Doesn’t Even Know!

Some doctors think a raw food diet cannot change your internal pH. Here's the Raw Truth even they don't know! Some health professionals trained in standard...
DynamicGreens Farm

DynamicGreens Flash-Frozen Wheatgrass: Better than Fresh!

Wheatgrass is the young grass of the common wheat plant, Triticum aestivum, a subspecies of the family Poaceae. Wheatgrass is usually grown indoors...
Organic Food vs. GMOs

Organic Food has Twice the Nutritional Value of Commercial Food

This is a classic study done in 1993 showing the nutritional value at the time between organic food and less nutritious, commercially-grown food. But...

How to Use the Raw Food Pyramid When Starting a Raw...

Help When Starting a Raw Food Lifestyle Here is a standard raw food pyramid. There's a bunch of them online. The thing to remember is...

Historic Study on Effects of Fertilizers Has Surprising Results

32-Year Field Study on Effects of Organic & Inorganic Fertilizers Has  Surprising Results I published this study over a decade ago because it is...

Exposing Dangers of Monsanto’s GMO Frankenfoods

The concerns over GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) is more important today for the raw food community than ever before. I believe that GMO frankenfoods...

Bibliography: Fruits & Vegetables & Breast Cancer Prevention

This bibliography was originally published o this site in 2001, but is still an excellent place to start for anyone interested in breast cancer...
Baltimore SUn Logo

A Raw Food Chef Shows How to Make a Decadent Raw...

Interview with Robert Ross of RawFoodLife.com Some like it hot. Not raw foodists. Raw food diet proponents believe food is best eaten as nature made...
juicing vegetables

Easy & Free Raw Food Recipes

NOTE: If you have sugar issues, avoid the recipes that use fruit. This post contains the following free raw food recipes. Mock V-8 Juice ...
Testing Alkaline pH

Study: Alkaline Mineral Water Can Raise Your pH

We can all learn to question our cherished assumptions! I've seen many alkaline mineral water "experts" on the internet regularly assert that alkaline mineral water...