Mad GMO Scientist

10 Scientific Studies that Prove GMO Food is Harmful to Your...

The truth is that we just don’t know enough about GMO food to say its safe to eat -- or even for feeding to...

My Love Affair with Food by Denise Gerard, Raw Food Chef

I have the privilege to have been invited by my dear friend Robert to be the Raw Food Chef & Holistic Health Coach for...
Cute Cows

Dairy Products, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease

The Evil Molecule Lurking in Your Dairy Products Basically, Jim Cross, the original author of this article, doesn't actually have a problem with dairy products,...
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STUDY: Vegetarians have more Stamina than Meat Eaters!

These studies show that vegetarians have more stamina than meat eaters. In one case, sedentary vegetarians had more stamina than athletic meat eaters! Though...
juicing vegetables

Easy & Free Raw Food Recipes

NOTE: If you have sugar issues, avoid the recipes that use fruit. This post contains the following free raw food recipes. Mock V-8 Juice ...

Non-GMO — The Front Line in the Battle to Save Your...

Non-GMO vs. Organic Food? They're Both About Saving the Planet! This war isn't actually about the battle between non-GMO vs organic food -- not in...
Raw Food Questions & Answers

Questions and Answers About the Raw Food Diet

Here are some of the most common questions and answers about the Raw Food diet. In modern culture, eating healthy, fresh raw food can...

Fukushima Back in the News – The Raw Food Radiation Connection

Fukushima Radiation Has Now Reached the U.S., Canada & Mexico! Fukushima Reactor #2 Pressure Vessel Breached, Rising to “Unimaginable” Levels of Radiation. Latest Radiation levels...
cooking creates toxins

Toxic Soup – The Hidden Poisons in Your Cooked Food

Cooking creates toxins in your food. Heat not only kills essential enzymes, it chemically changes healthy food into poisons that cause disease. This is one...
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Why We Really Don’t Need GMO Foods

What the mainstream media aren't telling you. This list below of 10 reasons why we don't need GMO foods is really is just a summary...