Scientific Study

Bicarbonates neutralize the acid toxins prevalent in cooked foods.

Your whole body is based on a careful balance between acid and alkaline. In fact your life depends on it! So the body has...

The Devastating European e.coli Super Bug of 2011 was Bioengineered

The thing about tyrants and bullies is that they live in a fear-based reality. Fear is all they know - because they themselves are...

What Mainstream Media Isn’t Telling You About GMO Foods!

You need Non-GMO & Organic Foods to be truly healthy. What you don't know about GMO foods is just part of a much larger problem...
Capay Hills Almond Tree

Good Agricultural Practices by Brian Paddock, Capay Hills Orchard

How an Organic Almond Farmer Grows the Finest Almonds You can Get! Several months ago, Robert Ross of invited me to create a series...
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Compassion for All Sentient Beings – the Core of a Vegan...

Choosing life over death and suffering. Ultimately, compassion for all sentient beings is at the core of the vegan lifestyle. It is, in the final...

Is the Fear of Guns a Distraction from a Much Bigger...

Anti-gun advocates base their beliefs on the simplistic fact that guns can potentially kill people. But wait -- the processed, toxic junk food we...

Vegan Raw Food vs. Vegan Fast Food – Not Quite the...

If you ever wondered whether or not a vegan can get anything at a KFC, Burger King or McDonald's the short answer is yes....

Forty Centuries of Agriculture in Asia – the Original Organic Farmers!

Farmers of Forty Centuries: Organic Farming in China, Korea, and Japan How did Asian farmers work the same fields for 40,000 years without destroying the...
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How to Buy an Alkaline Mineral Water Ionizer

Here are some of the more important specifications to consider when deciding which Life water ionizer is best for you: The number of plates...
Cute Cows

Dairy Products, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease

The Evil Molecule Lurking in Your Dairy Products Basically, Jim Cross, the original author of this article, doesn't actually have a problem with dairy products,...